You can make a difference. Chalice of Fire's mission is supported through partnerships with ordinary people who want to see the extraordinary work of God in our time.
Your donation furthers our mission of Bible-centered teaching, creative artistic endeavors, and strategic use of media for the glory of God and the sake of the Kingdom of Christ. Currently, we are seeking partners to allow Kemper to produce a new album and two new books. (Click "What We Do" at the top of the page for more information about the these projects.)
Now for the legalese:
Chalice of Fire is a nonprofit organization and is recognized by the IRS as holding 501(c) (3) status.
Chalice of Fire exists to disseminate teaching and teaching materials of religious, educational, and charitable nature (such as music, arts, literature, and visual media) through public speaking, seminars, Bible classes, and distribution of audio, video, and written media.